This information is for You

When ever a new document comes out of Rome, read it if you can. I know it may be very wordy, but try to make some sense out of it. Try and get a feel for what you read. Then see what the Church Fathers are saying about it. Check out the pros and cons. Always ask, “What would Jesus say”? For example: if the document says that homosexuality is accepted by God, check it out. Read the Bible In the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 to the end of that chapter, and see what Jesus said about the subject of sodomy. If Jesus said it is wrong then you cannot accept it and you must reject it. What about sex outside of marriage? What constitutes a marriage? What about masturbation? You may not know it but Jesus did cover all these topics of sin in the Bible. When God gave the 10 commandments to Moses, they covered an enormous amount sin that offends Him.

If any of this surprises you, it may just show how far from the mark you have strayed. In no way do I want to make you think that I am without fault. I struggle like everyone, but together we will learn, over come, and continue on our journey to eternity to the Lord. You will find you Bible to be your best teacher. I will be referring to the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church for answers to many of our questions, along with the teachings of the Church Fathers of the past to see what they had to say on many of the subjects confronting us today. History does repeat it self, or is it that people tend to forget?